♫♪  ICH BIN N!NTENDO - “Live from SPL” & “Live from BRKSND”

I haven’t listened to a record in about five years. So you better believe when Neil Young & Crazy Horse’s “T-Bone” hit my ears by way of a warbling and spinning slab of vinyl, I was blown away. Ever since that moment, I can’t get enough of that song. In fact, I can’t snap out of being in a headspace of “rocking out” 24/7. Call it a constant craving, a hungry heart, a free fallin’.

ICH BIN N!NTENDO must have similar obsessions: a fuzz in the head, a growth on a state of mind, a compulsion to drop dead and be reborn in overdriven ecstasy.

They satisfy, if satisfaction is in fact to scratch an itch to form a chronic rash, wandering into unforgiving red and bliss. Judging from these fresh live recordings, they must be a pressure wash to watch. That such a high push of energy can be communicated through field recordings demonstrates their spot-on sonic strength. A smile and tongue as the evangelist blinds my gleeful eye with a flash from a sleight-of-hand.

• ICH BIN N!NTENDO: http://ichbinnintendo.com

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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