♫♪  Vinyl Cape - Ritual Abuse : Mixed Cape I


At one point do people [——- ————] TMT and realize what sort of [——- — ———-] and [——-] to write about? Like, half of [— ——-] e-mails [——- ———] with “personalized” e-mails asking to [——- —— ——- —], when they clearly have [— ——]what we [——- —] the website. And [—— —- ——-] hybrids like Vinyl Cape, which is [—— — ——] as .clipping, but [——] their music “doom rap” and not noise rap. Or [——————]. It’s all about [——-], right?

Ritual Abuse : Mixed Cape I is “Remixes, covers, edits and unreleased music from various VC-related projects mixed by Mo Niklz.” And even though it’s not intended to be a fluid and organized release/album, I’ve still no idea what quantifies them (generally) as “Doom Rap.” Furthermore, I initially asked if they were like hedPE or P.O.D. when they contacted me on Twitter, and they said “NO,” which is a lie because lyrically, this is exactly those two bands, if not many more. So, the positive… if Vinyl Cape were on late-night MTV music video hours and I saw them around 3AM on a middle-school night at the age of 12, I’d think I was the coolest fucking dude in school. But you be the judge below:

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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