Kanye West opens his mouth to yawn and out plops details for 2 Chainz and Lil Wayne’s ColleGrove!

Kanye West opens his mouth to yawn and out plops details for 2 Chainz and Lil Wayne's ColleGrove!

Let me be clear. This story is not actually about hip-hop artists 2 Chainz and Lil Wayne’s long-in-the-works joint project ColleGrove. I know it seems like it would be, and it’s an honest mistake to make.

But no. This story is actually about Kanye West. Specifically, it’s about Kanye West tweeting something. MORE SPECIFICALLY that that, it’s about Kanye West tweeting both the release date and the official artwork for Chainz & Wayne’s record. (Note: you may have been previously aware of the fact that the duo showed up on Jimmy Fallon’s network TV show thing a few weeks ago to perform their album’s first taste, “Rolls Royce Weather Everyday.” But don’t get distracted by that shit. This shit is about KANYE WEST.)

Hey, did someone say “Kanye West?” That’s weird! Because I was just THINKING about that guy and the ">artwork he Tweeted for Lil Wayne and 2 Chainz’s ColleGrove, which features… wait for it… Wayne’s tattoos Wayne-in’ around… on Chainz’ face! Ah. I am starting to get the symbolism.

Anyway, yeah: the art was created by non-Kanye West-personality Jonathan Mannion, and the album it accompanies is apparently coming out THIS FRIDAY (possibly via Jay Z’s Tidal service thingy, but possibly not; Kanye didn’t say), because that date works best for West. Does that work for you too? Haha. Just kidding. No one cares!

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