Four Tet unveils new album, entitled New Energy — because it’d just be weird if it was an old album called Old Energy

Four Tet unveils new album, entitled New Energy — because it’d just be weird if it was an old album called Old Energy

Beat maestro and man-with-head-of-beautifully-unkempt-hair Kieran Hebden (Four Tet to those outside his illustrious inner-circle) has announced a new album of what are sure to be “crunchy” grooves and “heady chillout” vibes and, I don’t know, “savory banana split” melodies or something. According to a characteristically minimalist tweet, the album is called New Energy and it’s out September 29.

The album is a follow-up to Hebden’s 2015 LP Morning/Evening. For those keeping up with the fusillade of Four Tet news from the last few months, you may be familiar with recently released tracks “Two Thousand and Seventeen,” “Planet,” and “SW9 9SL,” all of which are set to appear on the album (more like Some New But Also Some Previously Released Energy, right, guys?). However, if you find yourself utterly confused at just what the hell I’m talking about, you can check out those spunky sprinkle candy apple jams below.

And, uh…I guess that’s it? There’s probably, like, a tracklisting…or cover art…or…something, I don’t know. I imagine Four Tet will put up a pre-order link on his Bandcamp page at some point, but then again, maybe not? Hmm. Sure is a mystery, huh folks? Oh well, bye-bye for now, I guess.

New Energy tracklisting:

01. Alap
02. Two Thousand and Seventeen
03. LA Trance
04. Tremper
05. Lush
06. Scientists
07. Falls 2
08. You Are Loved
09. SW9 9SL
10. 10 Midi
11. Memories
12. Daughter
13. Gentle Soul
14. Planet

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